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Patrimônio Natural da Humanidade


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A Unique Geological Formation

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Lençóis Maranhenses

Barreirinhas - Maranhão - Brazil

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located in a natural reserve in the state of

Tocantins in the northeast of Brazil.


“These formations happen only here!
It’s a desert full of water coming from
the ground, sculpting gigantic lagoons.


The entire reserve has the size of the city of

São Paulo in Brazil.

There are trekking expeditions of more than

a week to cross it.


Lives usually change here!


The event


The celebration happens annually in the

beggining of the kitesurf season.

Skydivers, kitesurfers and tourists come

from all over the world to withness the

cultural richness, exotic foods, adventure,

great people and the wonderfull landscapes

made of sand sculpted by winds.


"Two weeks of a cultural

immersion experience

provided by skydiving"


Skydiving, Entertainment, ecotourism, cultural tourism, safaris and many other exotic experiences, as well as lots of parties and celebrations every day.



It is not a convencional boogie where athletes apply for training focused on improving skills.


It is commom to choose not jumping on certain days.


People want to experience the various other natural and cultural atractives, or just take a day off to rest at the quiet lodge village that hosts the event - Porto Preguiça

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Once in a week the

party is in another town


Known for its cultural and touristic richnes,

Atins is also famous because of it's great

conditions for kite surfing


The party goes from the sunset to late night

when the boats and trucks leaves the party


The way back

Trucks go to a night dunes safari in the

way back to Barreirinhas.

About 2 hours


Boats crosses the Poeira River by 1 hour.

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Por do Sol em Atins

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